Pesantren Modern Huda Al Wahyain

Kami adalah pesantren modern yang mengadopsi model pembelajaran tahfidz dan kajian kitab salaf, dengan fokus pada pembimbingan bahasa Arab dan Inggris untuk generasi yang berprestasi.

A large group of people wearing white hijabs is gathered in an outdoor but roofed wooden structure. They are facing a stage with a black banner that reads 'Halal Bihalal SMK Ulil Albab NW.' Several speakers are seated behind a table on the stage.
A large group of people wearing white hijabs is gathered in an outdoor but roofed wooden structure. They are facing a stage with a black banner that reads 'Halal Bihalal SMK Ulil Albab NW.' Several speakers are seated behind a table on the stage.
Visi dan Misi Kami
Metode Pembelajaran Unggulan

Di Huda Al Wahyain, kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif, memadukan ilmu agama dan bahasa, serta membentuk karakter santri yang unggul dan berakhlak mulia.

Layanan Kami

Pesantren modern dengan fokus pada tahfidz dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab serta Inggris.

Pembelajaran Tahfidz

Program tahfidz yang intensif untuk menghafal Al-Qur'an dengan bimbingan yang profesional dan berpengalaman.

A neatly arranged desk with a beige tablecloth and a black office chair is set against a plain wall. To the left, a wooden shelf crammed with books, including a prominently placed green volume titled 'Tafsir Ibnu Katsir'. On the right, a stand fan adds a touch of comfort.
A neatly arranged desk with a beige tablecloth and a black office chair is set against a plain wall. To the left, a wooden shelf crammed with books, including a prominently placed green volume titled 'Tafsir Ibnu Katsir'. On the right, a stand fan adds a touch of comfort.
Bahasa Arab

Kursus bahasa Arab yang mendalam untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa dan pemahaman kitab salaf.

An open book displaying Arabic script is placed on a stand in a quiet indoor setting with a red and green color scheme. The background shows a mosque interior with various architectural elements blurred out, creating a sense of depth.
An open book displaying Arabic script is placed on a stand in a quiet indoor setting with a red and green color scheme. The background shows a mosque interior with various architectural elements blurred out, creating a sense of depth.